ROBUST CONTROL METHODS A SYSTEMATIC SURVEY Vojtech Vesely´ ∗ The paper addresses the problem how to recognize a level of robust controller design and is aimed show the difficulties of implementation for practical use. In the first part of paper we …
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Re-reading Veblen’s The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899 ... Re-reading Veblens The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899) in the 21st Century * Purpose of research is to examine how (and how well) ^conspicuous consumption … The Science Guru The Science Guru. Innovative Ideas in Science Education. Designing a Future-Proofed Makerspace – Intro. Part 1 – Designing a Future-Proofed Makerspace – Intro. From tinkering labs to fabrication studios, “Makerspaces” are popping up at schools across the country. While these spaces, often filled with tools like 3-D printers and laser FINDIK RÜYASI - Gezgin Dergi